We open the future with the potential of every employee.

What is “purpose”?
It has similarities to “mission” or “management philosophy,” but is a bit different.
These days, when the connection between companies and society is indispensable,
this term, which is translated as “reason for being” in business scenes,
is sought after by many companies.
This is the story of each of our employees, who walk alongside the purpose set forth by Mynavi.
“Digital Technology Strategy” and “Global Management Strategy” are the key to Mynavi’s future strategies. Kazumasa Yoshida, who is coordinating them, worked for Intel Corporation in the U.S. and then served as president of Intel K.K. for 10 years. After joining the Mynavi Group as an outside director in 2017, he became a full-fledged member of the Mynavi Group as Director and Managing Executive Officer in 2021.
“I firmly believe that I joined Mynavi to rebuild what Mynavi has built up over the past 50 years for the future,” said Yoshida.
So, what does Yoshida mean by “rebuilding” and what does he envisage for the future of Mynavi?

Not just “an extension of the legacy”, but “a new challenge.”
Yoshida’s answer was crisp and clear when he was asked what he thought about the Purpose that Mynavi promotes.
“I understand that the ‘Purpose’ is an indication of how Mynavi will provide even higher value in the next 50 years by leveraging the excellent assets the company has acquired over the past 50 years. Our customers may also ask, ‘Where is Mynavi heading from here?’ and ‘What will Mynavi achieve?’ I think the Purpose is an indication of that.”
The “Digital Technology Strategy” and “Global Management Strategy,” both of which Yoshida is currently leading, are areas in which Mynavi still has a lot of room to develop.
Yoshida added as follows.
“We cannot create a future just by operating a business that is an extension of the past. We must always try something new.”

The evolution of a company begins with every employee.
Mynavi has launched the Digital Technology Strategy Division, which brings together digital talent from across the company. Yoshida expressed a sense of crisis, saying, “We should further accelerate the digital transformation (DX) of the entire Mynavi company under my own supervision.”
While multiple DX projects are being carried out simultaneously, “For Mynavi, this transformation (evolution) is of the highest priority, and superficial changes alone will not make any sense at all,” said Yoshida with absolute certainty.
“DX is for evolution of companies. Then, such evolution starts on the frontlines, with employees drastically changing the way they think about the future of Mynavi. In other words, ‘Transformation starts with you,’ or more specifically, ‘from you.’”
This means that each employee acts as a driving force for evolution, and technology should be utilized to the maximum extent possible to achieve this goal. Yoshida said that this is the DX that Mynavi is aiming for, and what is required above all is a major change in employee awareness.
“We are in a red ocean, a very competitive market. Business is a ‘battle,’ and we must deliver higher value for the world and always be the choice of the market and our customers. We have to keep fighting in the market with the aim of fulfilling the Purpose and creating a world where the future of many people and companies can be envisioned. We all need to have that determination. It is essential that we all evolve to create an outstanding competitive strength.”

Mynavi to the global market from Japan.
Another major role for Yoshida is to expand Mynavi’s business beyond Japan into the world. To achieve this goal, he established the Global Corporate Strategy Office.
Countries enjoying rapid growth, such as India, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines, where Mynavi is expanding its business, have an abundance of excellent human resources, and many start-up companies with future growth potential have been launched. However, such growth has not been matched by the development of social infrastructure, and other issues are piling up.
“It is important to first understand the situation in each country, as each country has its own development phase, business rules, systems, culture, and so on. Based on that, we seek out business partners that have the potential and track record for solving both Japanese and local issues.”
The presence of expatriate employees, who put the mission of the Global Corporate Strategy Office into practice in their respective countries, should also be remembered.
“All of them are candidates, and have no previous international experience.”
They take on the mission of plunging into an environment where Japanese common sense does not apply and developing new business partners on their own. Through these challenges and practices, Mynavi’s stage of success is gradually but surely beginning to expand.

Technology is “for people.”
During the interview, Yoshida repeatedly referred to the phrase, “What are we doing this for?” When he worked for Intel, he was taught to “thoroughly ask himself ‘why are we doing what we are doing’ at all times,” he said.
Among other things, he has repeatedly asked himself the big question, “What is the purpose of technology?” His answer was always, “to work for people.” In this way, he has developed a strong motivation to provide “technology that benefits people,” rather than “technology for technology’s sake.”
“I have always had a strong interest in the realm of ‘people’. Therefore, I am truly enjoying working for Mynavi, which focuses on people, and to be able to provide services globally while leveraging technologies.”
Obviously, even after joining Mynavi, he kept asking himself the question, “What is the service for?” This is how he came to understand that “Mynavi’s business is more than just a human resources and information service.”
“We work closely with our business partners who seek growth, and solve their problems while thinking through the issues together. By doing so, we enhance the value of the company and support its growth. In other words, we are creating the future for our customers. Once you realize this, your attitude toward your customers should change drastically. Also, you may begin to grasp what you can do and what you need to do for the customers’ future.”
According to him, when people become aware that they are creating the future, they gain a new perspective and way of thinking, and their behavior changes.
“More than anything, creating the future of people and companies is exciting and a job with a lot of potential. This is the best part of working for Mynavi.”
Yoshida said this with a smile on his face. At present, few employees are aware of this. However, “It is my role to encourage employees to change their mindset,” said Yoshida, visiting the offices all over Japan with Tsuchiya, President of Mynavi Corporation, in order to communicate directly to employees on the front lines.
“I will keep delivering the message until every one of our more than 13,000 employees changes their mindset.”

With this energy, nothing is impossible.
Other than the division where Yoshida is involved, new businesses and initiatives are being created one after another in Mynavi. Although it requires a tremendous amount of energy to accomplish these tasks, Yoshida maintained, “Mynavi can do it.”
“Prior to my appointment as an outside director, I had sensed a tremendous energy from Mynavi that I had never felt before. I wondered ‘Why?’, then I found that the average age of Mynavi’s employees is around 30 years old, which is significantly younger than other companies. Thanks to the energy of young employees, Mynavi was able to spread its name throughout the country. Having many young employees is one of Mynavi’s great strengths.”
“With this energy, nothing is impossible.” “The only thing left is for each employee to realize and unleash their own potential,” he said.
“I believe it is true what is said in the Purpose, ‘People are always full of possibilities.’ Many of Mynavi’s employees are still unaware that ‘there are things they can do for the future.’ That is to say, they have put a kind of ‘lid’ on their own potential.”
In closing the interview, Yoshida said the following:
“I am committed to working with every employee to help them remove those lids. That is the first thing that I have to do to actualize Mynavi’s Purpose.”
The potential can be found within the employees, not anywhere else. When everyone realizes this, Mynavi will achieve even greater evolution. What Yoshida envisions is the future that awaited Mynavi.

Director, Managing Executive Officer, Mynavi Corporation
Kazumasa Yoshida
He was born in 1958, and raised in Tokyo. After completing his high school education in Japan, he moved to the U.S. by himself and enrolled at Western Colorado University. Upon graduating from the university in 1982, he joined Intel Corporation (U.S. headquarters), where he worked until 2000.
In 2003, he was appointed President and Representative Director of Intel K.K (Japanese subsidiary of Intel Corporation). In January 2014, he left Intel K.K.
Since then, he has been engaged in the management of various Japanese and U.S. companies as an outside director.
In 2017, he joined Mynavi as an outside director, and then became Director and Managing Executive Officer in 2021.